I'm assuming if you found this blog you were expecting one of three things.
You were expecting
You were expecting
A) A blog that you could relate to, because you too are single and hopeless.
B) You wanted to have a good laugh at people who are lonely and sad.
C) I plastered this all over my social media and you got curious or annoyed, and finally clicked the link only to find its nothing but quips from me thinking I'm funny.
If you're here for reason (A) I applaud you. Because if I've learned anything in my year long pursuit of singleness and finding myself, it is that we are the strongest people. We have the greatest sense of awareness. And when it finally comes down to a relationship?
Ours will be the best.
If you're here for reason (B), shame. On. YOU. And the joke is on you. Because while you were looking to laugh at us poor lonely people, we were already laughing at ourselves.
Or at least I was.
If you're here for reason (C) I implore you, please. Turn back. Spare yourself from my crack ups. Save your image of me while it lasts. Because to read further means to travel inside my thoughts. To know me, no holds barred.To see me through my eyes. To see the world through my eyes.
Is that really what you want?
I've learned so much on my journey of singleness. I've learned that it is okay to cry sometimes. That sometimes you just need to laugh at how silly you're being. And sometimes you need to realize you're being silly. I've learned that it takes true friends to stand by you and let you do what you feel you need to, even when they know you'll be hurt in the end. I've learned that you need to be okay with being alone with yourself, because sometimes, that happens. Sometimes you'll crave being by yourself. You'll need to learn how to like yourself too. I've also learned that we all have imperfections, and you can't let them block out who you are. I've learned that even if you've done awful things, even if you wish you could redo stuff, that what you've done is not who you are. I've learned how to be happy with myself. And I've learned that I nitpick at all the little things. I've learned a thing or two about relationships also.
Crazy isn't it? How much you can learn in one year? With just me?
I've learned so much only from myself.
Imagine if I had someone else to learn from.
Nonetheless, I don't have another person to learn from... yet.
I gave myself the opportunity to know me, and through that venture I've found some ups and downs, some odds and ends.
And me.
I found me.
So if you've decided to read this blog, good for you! or bad for you, I'm sure we'll find out someday.
But I promise to make the journey of this blog a memorable one.
One you can laugh at, laugh with, catch second-hand embarrassment from, think about, discuss, and hopefully you'll gain something from wandering through this.
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