26 March 2014

#36 My Sense of Boundaries is a Little Skewed

When it comes to hugs, I'm like Oprah.
"You get a hug! And you get hug! Everyone gets a hug! Check under your seats!!! MORE HUGS!"
While most people absolutely love hugs...
some people just don't.

I honestly can't wrap my brain around that! How can you not like hugs? Its like being enveloped in love. Its a sign of comfort and trust. Or a sign that everything will be okay. So much can be said through a hug.

Don't leave.
I missed you.
Comfort me.
I'll comfort you.
I'm here for you.
We're friends.
We're more.
We're family.
I like you.
I need you.
I love you.

I don't know how I'd communicate without hugs. Hugs are like my life support. Sometimes I just feel the need to hug someone, anyone. Sometimes I just feel the need to hug a specific person.

I guess you could say I am a touchy-feely kinda gal.

I think touch is one of the most important senses. It helps us identify and connect. A pat on the back is a job well done. A kiss on the cheek is a sign of affection. A hug could mean a million things. Simply placing your hand on someone's arm lets them know you'll be there for them. 
How can people not like to be touched?

Story Time:
So one time I was at a friend's house, I guess you could say it was a party. But I mean cut out all the crazy music, and wall to wall dance floor. This was more like a chill get-together. One of my friend's friends walks in. Now this friend of a friend doesn't particularly care for me in the first place. We'll call him Ducks. So Ducks walks in and we had just gotten there as well. Now in my upbringing it was always customary to hug people when they arrive and as well as when they leave. But Ducks hates hugs. He HATES physical contact. But do you think I can remember that? No. So I, all excited in my overly energetic attitude, say hello and.. I hug him. Never before had I seen him glare so much at me all night.  I mean I really can't blame the guy for not liking me, every time I see him I hug him, and about 5 seconds later I'm pouring out apologies. 
Someday I'll learn.

But... Unfortunately its not only physical boundaries I have a problem with.
I tend to have some issues with wording things.
That is, I am fantastic at wording things, but I don't know when to not say them.
More often than not I overstep my boundaries, saying something I believe, or sharing my opinion and getting myself into a bit of a hole. 
My opinions do provide a different insight, but I need to learn when that insight is desired.
I also tend to call people nicknames. (Some I instated, some were already in place.)
Malexmander, Pigeon, Sunshine, Sensei, Guuuurl, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Mak, Jeffica, Dearie, Private Pumpkin.
And of course I have a few nicknames. 
Mrs. Happy Muffin 
(Don't ask who Mr. Happy Muffin is... I don't know)
The list goes on... (Why are they all food related?)
I quite often happen to forget that some people don't understand my affectionate words. 
I love calling people darling. Its my #1 nickname.
Only through text.
I also like calling people "love".
Most of the time I don't mean anything personal by it. Simply that you are someone I am comfortable with and enjoy talking to. I'm more than certain I've made a few people uncomfortable by calling them some form of affectionate nickname.

The awful thing is that I tend to not notice that I am crossing people's boundaries until I'm far past them, and I've had a few days to reflect. And I'm going to apologize right now, to all the people I will hug, poke, scare, touch, inform of my opinions, call affectionate names, and be around. I'm sorry guys. I just can't help it. I'm trying to learn.
Self restraint isn't really one of my strong suits...

Quick shout-out to the few friends who know about this blog and still talk to me.
Wherever would I be without you??

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