07 April 2014

#47 My Goofy (& Geeky) Childhood

Like most of you out there
I was a nerd.
I was a geek.
I liked Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh, and video games.
I was one of many.
And I did some regrettable goofy things.
Like any of my school pictures from middle or elementary school?
Or in Middle school thinking I had super powers. Or magic.
Harry Potter really affected me.
I wore T-Shirts from places my dad had traveled to, and places I had been.
My hair was (is) always a mess (Meet Virginia... That's a Train reference for you young'ns).
I went to dances and did cartwheels, and wore strange Halloween costumes. I made strange faces at cameras while camping, and I sang "Lucky" by Brittany Spears, with my cousins in their room while lamps glowed. We had a dance and everything. I used to build forts on my bed, and when I went to the doctor's office they would give me cool pens instead of candy. I used to build houses for my barbies out of CD cases and I used to think that Red-Wing Blackbirds followed me everywhere. I one time cut my own hair, and my socks, and my great grandmother's curtains. I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 8 years old. When I finally did learn how to ride my bike, I'd ride it around some empty parking lot near my grandmother's house and pretend to be a smoker (cause my parents smoked and I wanted to be like them).

I did geeky things.

I still do!

In fact, I joined the nerd cult and watched Firefly and Serenity. I've seen every Harry Potter movie twice. I watch shows like, "How it's made" and "Undercover Boss". Oh, and I used to be big into Anime and Manga, but that's gone down an incredible amount.

Not only did I do geeky things, I looked geeky and goofy.

When I was little I had platinum blonde hair. I still do thanks to magic elixir called Hair Dye. But my bangs were never straight as a child, my hair was always pulled in some strange fashion, and at one point I cut a huge chunk out of it. It took my mom 4 years to notice. I think until maybe recently I didn't know how to dress my body. I have a long torso and longish legs, even though I'm so short. So I kinda just wore whatever. I had a polar bear t-shirt that had the polar bear's face and upper torso hanging out the front, and then on the back of the shirt was it's butt. That was probably my favorite shirt ever. 

And I used to be one of those kids who would do anything for a laugh.
I'd say things that made no sense, and do wacky things, and get way too hyper.
Oh wait, I still do that. Sorry.

I think we were all that crazy kid, and I think we were all embarrassed by our childhood.
Its just natural to be.
But I wouldn't trade my Saturday morning cartoons and video games and barbies for the world.

So, hopefully someday someone will accept me for the geeky, goofy child I was (am).
OR maybe I was just too embarrassing.

We'll see.

Coming Soon... More excuses.

p.s. I'm sorry this was so short, I've been crazy busy and had my faced buried in a good trilogy.

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